Gendering women's livelihoods in artisanal and …

In this paper, we provide an overview of extant research on gender and women's livelihoods in artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM), mostly of precious or high-value minerals, and some of the gaps …

The Feminisation of Mining

Geography Compass is an authoritative and accessible geography journal publishing peer-reviewed surveys with a primary focus on human geography. Abstract This paper argues that feminisation is beginning to occur in the mining industry, a process associated with an expanded notion of mining as a livelihood in the radically changing …

Uncovering the Gender Data Gap in Mining Worldwide

1 Uncovering the Gender Data Gap in Mining Worldwide International Women in Mining (IWiM) is committed to leading global change for more inclusive workplaces in support of women entering, advancing, and thriving in the global mining sector. Our mission is to achieve measurable progress towards achieving gender equity in the extractives industries

Creating a gender-inclusive mining industry: Uncovering the …

The key hindrances to a gender inclusive mining sector have been grouped into seven themes including discrimination, harassment, gender ideologies, and lack of …

Mining the Blogosphere: Age, gender and the varieties of …

The growth of the blogosphere offers an unprecedented opportunity to study language and how people use it on a large scale. We present an analysis of over 140 million words of English text drawn from the blogosphere, exploring if and how age and gender affect writing style and topic. Our primary result is that a number of stylistic and …

Gender in Mining Governance

Gender in Mining Governance: An annotated bibliography for large-scale mining INTRODUCTION The mining workforce has traditionally been male dominated, but women's presence in the sector has recently begun to be broadly recognized in parallel to the improvements in the mining codes and women's access to better and more qualified …

Building a gender-inclusive company culture

The business case for a gender-inclusive company culture is evident across industries, and the mining sector is no different. The recently released Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) Gender Diversity and Inclusion: A Guide for Explorers, illustrates that society (including shareholders, investors, stock exchanges, …

Informal Mining in Colombia: Gender-Based Challenges for …

I. Introduction Mining has been an important activity for the Colombian economy since colonial times. Footnote 1 From the late twentieth century onwards, it has been viewed as a key element of the country's economic growth. Footnote 2 However, informal mining – and the link to gender-based violence and discrimination in this setting – have been a …

'Mining women' and livelihoods: Examining the

Buss D, Katz-Lavigne S, Aluoka O, Alma E (2020) 'Remember the women of Osiri': Women and gender in artisanal and small-scale mining in Migori County, Kenya. Canadian Journal of African Studies/Revue canadienne …

Gender and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

This article was published in Indian Journal of Gender Studies. VIEW ALL JOURNAL METRICS. Article usage * Total views and downloads: 9495 * Article usage tracking started in December 2016. Altmetric. See the impact this article is making through the number of times it's been read, and the Altmetric Score.

Addressing Gender Inequalities in the Mining Sector

Gender and mining: what is the problem? .....10 Nexus between gender and mining.....10 Conclusion: the way forward to address gender inequality in the mining sector .....14 . 4 ABSTRACT Addressing gender inequality and the global efforts to achieve all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), has been evidenced in different parts of the …

From 'conflict minerals' to peace? Reviewing mining reforms, gender …

1. Introduction. Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in the eastern Congo, especially the 3T 1 sector, is undergoing profound reforms. A recurrent argument of the members of the international community supporting the reforms is that artisanal mining feeds violent conflict, underdevelopment and appalling poverty (Global Witness, …

Advocating gender equality in workplace | News, Sports, …

The newly retired president/CEO of the Bloomfield Hills-based TTi Global and a longtime advocate of gender equality and women's empowerment in the workplace recently served as the 2021 Executive ...

Why women are leaving the mining industry …

Women represent an estimated 8 to 17 percent of the global mining workforce. 1 Penny Bamber, Vivian Couto, and Karina Fernandez-Stark, "Industry 4.0 in developing countries: The mine of the future and …

(PDF) APEC Women's Participation in the Mining Industry

search (using keywords such as women in mining, women and mining, gender groups in mining, gendered impacts of mining), and a literature review based on f eminist studies in mining. In total,

Gender and Mining

Anthropological studies of gender and mining are undertaken from two main perspectives: (1) feminist analysis of gender discrimination, specifically exploring disadvantage, and (2) broader ...

Gender inequality and restrictive gender norms: framing the …

Gender is not accurately captured by the traditional male and dichotomy of . Instead, it is a complex social system that structures the life experience of all human beings. This paper, the first in a Series of five papers, investigates the relationships between gender inequality, restrictive gender norms, and health and wellbeing. Building upon …


a written gender policy, even though evidence of such a document could not be provided. At Sibanye Gold Ltd, although employees claimed that the company had a written gender policy, there was also no evidence to indicate that such a policy FOCUS ON GENDER IN SOUTH AFRICA'S MINING SECTOR

Women in mining: from subtle barriers to open prejudice

Yet, data reveal that in 2018, women represented 22% of the workforce in the mining and petroleum sectors (Catalyst, 2020). This shows underrepresentation, …

Journals of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Browse the official journals of IOM3, explore the latest special issues, read the latest articles from the IOM3 journals, view related IOM3 and Sage content, and discover more from the IOM3.

Home | Social Network Analysis and Mining

Social Network Analysis and Mining is a multidisciplinary journal focusing on theoretical and experimental work related to social network analysis and mining. Serves a wide range of researchers from computer science, network science, social sciences, mathematical sciences, medical, biological, financial, management, and political sciences.

Advancing Diversity and Inclusion in Canada's Mining Sector

The Gender Equity in Mining Works program is being updated to help eliminate systemic barriers to workplace gender inclusion. A research report and infographic are being produced to identify effective practices and indicators for reducing equity-deserving groups' workplace barriers and supporting Indigenous reconciliation in the sector.

Gender and sustainability reporting – Critical analysis of gender …

Overall, we find that mining companies tend to address gender-related concerns to varying degrees during their reporting on sustainability issues along a spectrum: (1) issues were noted and discussed with specific mention of gender and/or women; (2) issues that could and should have included a gender and intersectional lens …

Global Review: Integrating Gender Into Mining …

Annotated bibliography showcasing articles, reports, guidelines, and policy documents that explore the role of gender in large-scale mining governance. Report. March 8, 2021. Gendered Impacts of …

Mining | An Open Access Journal from MDPI

Mining is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on mining science and engineering published quarterly online by MDPI.. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges () paid by authors or their institutions.; High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, GeoRef, AGRIS, and other databases. Rapid …

Mining activity, income inequality and gender in regional …

1. Introduction. Mining plays a substantial role in the Australian economy, in which the export of large volumes of primary materials is a defining characteristic (McKay et al. 2000; Schandl et al. 2008).Australia is one of the largest exporters of black coal, alumina, lead, iron ore, uranium and zinc (ABARES 2010; Mudd 2010).Mining exports …

The Australian mining industry and the ideal mining

Second, we identify the construction and deployment of a normative identity – 'the ideal mining woman' – as a key outcome of this business-case discourse. Crucially, women are therein positioned as individually responsible for gender equality in …

Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management

Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management (JDMLM) is managed by International Research Centre for the Management of Degraded and Mining Lands (IRC-MEDMIND), and the Soil Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University, Indonesia.This journal aims to share experiences and research work among scientists, …

Gender in mining

Gender in mining. Questions of equal treatment regarding gender are gaining prominence in the mining industry, which has been tradition-ally male-dominated. Although previous …

Women and Gender in the Mines: Challenging …

The historiography of mining has largely ignored mining women, as well as the wives of the miners. Footnote 1. Mining's …