IMMORTAL KING'S STONE CRUSHER Ogre Maul Two-Hand Damage: 231 To 318 [Avg. 274.5] Base Weapon Speed: [10] Required Strength: 225 Required Level: 76 Indestructible* +40% Increased Attack Speed +200% Enhanced Damage +200% Damage To Demons +250% Damage To Undead 35-40% Chance Of Crushing Blow Socketed (2) Adds 250 …
Immortal King's Stone Crusher equipped alongside the Immortal King's Forge will still reach the 6-frame breakpoint, an additional +60% Increased Attack Speed …
Buy Diablo 2 Resurrected items - Stone Crusher - Ethereal - Variables: +280-320% Enhanced Damage, Damage +10-30, +20-30 to Strength. This Weapon is Ethereal (+50% base damage), a good candidate for a Zod Rune.
Stone Crusher is a Unique Legendary Mallet in Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R). This elite Hammer has a quality level of 76 and a treasure class of 84. There are 2 important benefits coming from Stone Crusher: A mighty blow can occur when attacking a monster, removing a percentage of its health. A huge strength boost.
Exceptional, 1H: • Dark Clan Crusher • Fleshrender • Sureshrill Frost • Moonfall • Baezil's Vortex • Earthshaker. Exceptional, 2H: • Bloodtree Stump • The Gavel of Pain. Elite, 1H: • Nord's Tenderizer • Baranar's Star • Demon Limb • Stormlash • Horizon's Tornado • Stone Crusher • Schaefer's Hammer
WEB225. Immortal King's Stone Crusher is a set ogre maul in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. It is one of the six pieces of the Immortal King item set. Even without other set pieces, its …
How much is Stone Crusher worth in d2r? See the price in d2jsp forum gold and in runes. ... Item Price Checker - Check the prices of D2R items Item Catalog - Search and filter all diablo 2 items.
Diablo 2 & Diablo 2: Resurrected Set - Immortal King - Immortal King's Will (helm), Immortal King's Stone Crusher (weapon), Immortal King's Soul Cage (armor), …
Immortal King's Stone Crusher is a Set Ogre Maul (Immortal King Set) and Hammer in Diablo 2. Immortal King's Stone Crusher can be equipped by all Classes. Weapons are the main way of dealing damage to Enemies, Bosses and other players in PVP. Weapons can be acquired in different rarities and can be found while exploring …
Stone Crusher Legendary Mallet is an elite unique item with level requirement of 68 and Quality Level of 76. Stats One-Hand Damage: (190-210) To (231-256) (210.5 - 233 Avg) One-Hand-Damage Eth: (285-315) To (347-384) (316 - 349.5 Avg) Durability: 65 Ethereal Durability: 34 Required Strength: 189 Required Strength (Eth): 179 Required Level: 68 …
Diablo 2 Resurrected Stone Crusher is a Unique Legendary Mallet.The Stone Crusher has a high chance to drop in (Hell Difficulty) Tower Cellar Level 2 area …
The Legendary Mallet is an Elite mace found in Diablo II. It is also a member of the hammers sub-class. Damage: 50 - 61 (55.5 Avg) Level Requirement: 61 Strength Requirement: 189 Dexerity Requirement: None Range: 1 Durability: 65 Sockets: 4 Speed: [20] Amazon - Normal Assassin - Slow Barbarian - Slow Druid - Slow Necromancer - …
Stone Crusher. An incredibly strong boss fighting weapon for any melee character that can over come the slow attack speed. Zeal pallys or fanatic aura …
Stone Crusher is a Unique Legendary Mallet and Hammer in Diablo 2. Stone Crusher can be equipped by all Classes. Weapons are the main way of dealing damage to Enemies, …
In Diablo II Resurrected, Immortal King's Stone Crusher is part of the Ogre Maul category and one of many unique Hammers in D2R. It is one of the biggest items in the game, taking 8 Blocks of space if you want to store it in the inventory or stash. Your character needs to reach at least the Required Level of 76 to carry this item. This Ogre Maul has a Strength …
Details and information on Stone Crusher. Stone Crusher One-hand Dmg: (190-210)-(231-256) Required Lvl: 68 Req Dex: 0 Req Str: 189 ilvl: 76 Quality: UNIQUE Rarity: 4 Durability: 65
Crusher is a Barbarian Rare Glyph in Diablo 4. Crusher enhances the Barbarian's damage when using a Mace with every 5 Strength purchased within range. Additionally, boosts Overpower damage while wielding a Mace. NOTE: New from Path 1.4.0.Additional Bonus: Overpower damage reduced from 30%[x] to 20%[x].
Details and information on Immortal King's Stone Crusher. Immortal King's Stone Crusher Two-hand Dmg: 231-318 Required Lvl: 76 Req Dex: 0 Req Str: 225 ilvl: 37 Quality: SET Rarity: 7
This is a build taking advantage of the full Immortal King Set. Great Set for a decent price. Weapon: Immortal King's Stone Crusher Weapon Swap: Two +3 Warcries Spears; Body Armor: Immortal King's Soul Cage Helm: Immortal King's Will Gloves: Immortal King's Forge Boots: Immortal King's Pillar Belt: Immortal King's Detail Ring 1: …
Diablo 2 Resurrected Immortal King's Stone Crusher is a Set Ogre Maul.The Immortal King's Stone Crusher has a high chance to drop in (Nightmare Difficulty) Stony Field area and an even higher chance to drop from farming the (Hell Difficulty) Bishibosh (Act 5 | The Worldstone Chamber) Boss in D2R.
Venom. Voice of Reason. White. Wind. Wrath. Zephyr. (L): These Runewords can only be created by characters. SP chars can enable them with. Stone Crusher is a …
Adds 211-397 Fire Damage (2 set items) Adds 7-477 Lightning Damage (3 set items) Adds 127-364 Cold Damage, 6 sec. Duration (Normal) (4 set items) +204 Poison Damage …
Stone Crusher Legendary Mallet is an elite unique item with level requirement of 68 and Quality Level of 76. Stats One-Hand Damage: (190-210) To (231-256) (210.5 - 233 Avg) …
Immortal King's Stone Crusher equipped alongside the Immortal King's Forge will still reach the 6-frame breakpoint, an additional +60% Increased Attack Speed from other sources is needed to reach the 5-frame-per …
Maul just sounds like a massive waste. Especially for ubers as most of your dmg against them stems from crushing blow and (indirectly) open wounds to prevent their regen. If you have those two, you don't even need much base dmg as it'll merely noticeably speed up the very end phase of the killing.
Stone Crusher. Legendary Mallet. Base Damage: 63 to 76 (was 50 to 61) Base Durability: 130 (was 65) Base Speed Modifier: 20. Base Melee Range: 2 (was 1) One-Hand Damage: [201-226] to [243-273], Avg 222-249.5 (was [190-210] to [231-256], Avg 210.5-233) Required Strength: 189. ... About Project Diablo 2;
Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Diablo (Hell Mode) is your best bet, followed by Baal (Hell Mode). Immortal King's Will - Cow King (Nightmare Mode) followed by Cow King (Hell Mode) followed by Diablo (Normal Mode) are your best bets. A musical sentence is a motive that is immediately developed upon then drives towards a PAC, IAC, or HC. The …
Immortal King's Boulder Breaker (previously Immortal King's Stone Crusher) is a Two-Handed Mighty Weapon piece of the Immortal King's Call set in Diablo III. It requires character level 60 to drop. In addition to its own stats (with 5 Primary affixes), it also has the free Indestructible affix...
whereas an average stone crusher does 242 average damage at a rate of [20] basically the only reason to use stone crusher is if you care dearly about crushing blow. it has 40%. considering stormlash has 33% it is very competative in that category. not to mention that stone crushers strength requirement is really high @ 189