Selective mining as an alternative to drilling and blasting

The geological situation has, however, made extraction a more difficult task: the remaining limestone strata are interlayered with shale. Due to this, quarrying with conventional methods such as drilling and blasting would have led to contamination of the material. Ash Grove therefore decided to use a Wirtgen Surface Miner from NAM for …

(PDF) Controlled blasting in a limestone mine using …

Computerized drilling and the electronic timing of detonations are two technological breakthroughs which have had an important role in updating drilling and blasting excavation methods, although the electronic timing of detonators is still a comparatively infrequent technical solution to precision blasting problems.

Mining Engineering

Sl.No Chapter Name English; 1: Lecture 01: Introduction to Drilling Technology: Download Verified; 2: Lecture 02: Introduction to Blasting Technology: Download

Quarry drill and blast: a vital first operation

Drilling and blasting is one of the first operations to be carried out in a quarry to gain the material for further processing. The vital process often starts with a detailed survey of the quarry face, which will enable the explosives engineer to design the blast and to plot where the shot holes should be drilled, enabling the task to be carried …

Drill and Blast | Mining Methods | American Mine Services

Drill and blast mining is the most commonly used mining excavation method in the world. Drill and Blast mining is extremely popular for numerous reasons, such as its cost, simplicity, and effectiveness.In this article, we'd like to take you through what drill and blast mining is, what are some advantages and disadvantages of utilizing this method, and …

(PDF) Comparative study of blasting techniques in dimensional stone

The blasting practices in a limestone quarry with karstic cavities have been presented. The existence of karstic cavities in the quarry has reduced blasting efficiency significantly.

Fragmentation assessment and design of blast pattern at …

At a limestone quarry, blasting costs per unit volume of rock were reduced by 7%. This is obtained by increasing burden and spacing distances. In addition, better fragmentation was obtained by ...

(PDF) Controlled blasting in a limestone mine …

This paper presents a case study of controlled blasting at a limestone mine. In the phase of expansion of cement plant a highly controlled blasting has to be done so no harm and damage occurs to the nearby …

Optimized design of drilling and blasting operations in …

1. Introduction. Mining activity is mostly represented by these four main operations: drilling, blasting, loading and hauling. For a proper mine planning and design, all of these operations need to be carefully planned in such a manner that can prevent extra loads such as operating costs, environmental footprints, etc. Amongst these operations, …

Quarry Evaluation and Control of Bench Blasting

Potential sites of quarries were evaluated by numerical rating techniques. There are 3 groups of implied rating factors on the rock deposits in surveyed quarry sites: the resource characteristics ...


blasting. There are four methods commonly used in blasting rock boulders and outcroppings. Two have been discussed: mudcapping and blockholing. Another method, SNAKEHOLING, includes the placement of ex-plosives under the rock. SEAM BLASTING is used when the blaster is lucky enough to find a crack or seam, and load the explosive …

(PDF) Optimization of Blasting Parameters- A case study

Surface mines primarily use drilling and blasting, which is an effective and relatively inexpensive method to excavate the hard rock mass. The geometry of surface mine bench blasting has a ...

Quarrying methods: an international comparison

With 12 workers, the quarry produces approximately 400 cubic meters of material per month. The quarry operates one shift 12 months per year, and the material recovery rate currently stands at about 15%. Equipment in the quarry includes five Tamrock drilling rigs as well as three Pellegrini diamond wire saws.

Blasting Techniques Used in Underground and Opencast Mines | Mining

Read this article to learn about the blasting techniques adopted in underground and opencast mines. Blasting Techniques Adopted in Underground Mines: Drilling Patterns in Stone: Drilling patterns, also called shot-hole patterns, are named after the type of cut holes used and the principal patterns are: (1) Pyramid cut or cone cut (2) Wedge cut (3) …

A review of some nonexplosive alternative …

The conventional blasting rock excavation method is the main means of rock breakage because of its high productivity, and it is relatively inexpensive compared to other methods. However, it raises safety …

Assessment of noise and ground vibration induced during blasting …

DOI: 10.1016/S1674-5264(09)60078-8 Corpus ID: 129720709; Assessment of noise and ground vibration induced during blasting operations in an open pit mine — A case study on Ewekoro limestone quarry, Nigeria

Drilling and blasting designs for parallel hole cut and V-cut method …

Explosives are probably the most cost-effective method of rock excavation in underground mining operations 1,2,3.Tunnel and underground rock excavation have largely relied on drilling and blasting ...


About Us. Gulf Mining and Rock Blasting is a well established and long standing business group on the Sultanate of Oman, having operations all over The Sultanate of Oman. …

Blasting Techniques

Courses include explosives, blasthole drilling, blasting theory, blast design, geology, safety and accident prevention, and environmental issues. You will spend much of your time in labs, field classes and field assignments, and refining your skills in our state-of-the-art drilling and blasting training centre.

Optimized design of drilling and blasting …

The drilling and blasting method realizes rock fragmentation through mechanical drilling and explosive blasting and has consistently been an important construction method in related fields, …

Precision Rock Excavation: Beyond Controlled Blasting and Line Drilling

The strictness of the result of an excavation, whether mechanical or by means of explosives, is naturally conditioned by its objective and, therefore, by the type of technique applied to achieve it. To attain the best results in terms of rock breakage, and with respect to the final profile, it is important to evaluate the specific excavation energy and its …


blasting of cornices increases efficiency, boring holes along the presumed tension line exposes the ava-lanche blaster to considerable danger. Safety in borehole blasting depends critically on: 1. The blasting crews ability to judge correctly the safe working line. techniques for working with this high explosive (See Chapter 5 - Detonating Cord)..


Likewise, significant reduction of excavation productivity, frequent breakdowns and reduction of the lifespan of transport equipment are associated with such scenarios. 1.5 MAIN OBJECTIVE To improve drilling and blasting efficiency to control boulders formation. 1.6 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE To assess drilling and blast design …

The Ultimate Guide to Drilling and Blasting

Drilling and blasting (DBM) is a controlled method used to break rock for excavation purposes. It's a traditional and effective technique employed in various applications, including: ... Budget: Drilling and blasting techniques often have a lower upfront cost, while TBMs might require a higher initial investment but can potentially …

Blasting Through the Ages: A brief history of drilling

Throughout the ages, great blasters and engineers revolutionized blasting to the science and art used today. The series will detail the historic methods of drilling, loading and blasting, as well as take readers throughout history to touch on major developments through the ages. The series begins with a brief history of drilling.

Ergonomic Appraisal of Blasting Activities at Majan Limestone Quarry

J Ergonomics, Vol.10 Iss.2 No:260 1 Okeke RR OPEN ACCESS Freely available online a newer quarry (Q2) northwards. The bench height is about 15 m while the haul roads, 14 m wide have a gradient of 10°. Using the conventional method of drilling and blasting, the limestone is quarried for crushing.

Advanced Analytics for Drilling and Blasting | SpringerLink

Drilling and blasting as a key activity in the mining cycle have a key role in operational risk management. Many empirical methods have been developed to determine blast design parameters or the prediction of blast outcomes. ... (Egypt) limestone quarry. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 46 (2): 426–431. Article ...

(PDF) Comparative study of blasting techniques in …

Abstract. Controlled drilling and blasting continue to be an important method of block production and for block splitting. Drill and blast technique has …

Limestone extraction – underground mining techniques, drilling …

Limestone is a sedimentary rock comprising about 15% of the earth's sedimentary crust. Limestones are generally mined using the methods of open-pit mining and underground mining based on economic and environmental conditions. WHERE DO THEY FORM LIMESTONE : Limestone forms in a variety of marine, freshwater, and terrestrial …

Drilling and Blasting

First published in the March 2014 issue of Quarry Management. Steve Lashley, operations supervisor for the Contract Drilling & Blasting division at Skelair International, gives a personal insight into developments in surveying techniques over the last 25 years and explains why laser surveying has now really come into its own